Silver Efex Pro
Silver Efex Pro


Software review


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Creating black and white images with Nik Silver Efex

Silver Efex is a dedicated black and white photo editor. Lightroom, Photoshop, and other photo editors can of course create black and white images.

DxO Nik Collection 7 review

評分 5.0 · Life+after+Photoshop · Silver Efex is very good at adding detail and 'structure' to images, but you might sometimes see edge effects around objects if you push the ...

Nik Collection 6 by DxO Review

評分 4.0 · Jim Fisher · We'll call out Silver Efex Pro especially for fans of black-and-white film, as it delivers digital images that are closer to analog than you can ...

Nik Silver Efex

I want to share with you my journey with a tool that has significantly shaped my approach to black-and-white photography: Silver Efex Pro.

Nik Silver Efex

Made from a love for monochrome. Inspired by traditional methods, Nik Silver Efex is the choice of professional photographers around the world.

Nik Silver Efex:全世界颇受欢迎的黑白照片编辑工具

使用一系列个性化预设,您可以调节图像的颗粒结构和对比度,精确再现世界上最具标志性的黑白胶片。 摄影师Thomas Voland 钟爱Nik Silver Efex。 要了解原因,请点击这里:.

Software review

Nik Silver Efex Pro 3 is a black-and-white conversion tool that goes far further than the grayscale or black-and-white tools built into Adobe Photoshop.

[教學]不用可惜的黑白影像外掛-Silver Efex Pro

Nik Software的Photoshop/Aperture外掛軟體Silver Efex Pro,為專業攝影師及業餘攝影愛好者提供了最先進,最全面及最有效的數碼黑白影像製作途徑。它採用 ...

期待已久Nik Silver Efex Pro 3 大型更新,喜歡黑白照片的你應該可以 ...

總結: Nik Silver Efex3 有大量的風格檔預設、微調高光/暗位的反差、U Point 局部調整細節確定是對後期處理黑白照片提供了一個不錯快速的工作流程…樂見 ...

超級強勁Lightroom Photoshop Plugin

今集想介紹DxO 最新的Nik Collection - Silver Efex Pro 我哋會分為四集講解以下四個Plugin: Color Efex Pro - Silver ...


SilverEfexisadedicatedblackandwhitephotoeditor.Lightroom,Photoshop,andotherphotoeditorscanofcoursecreateblackandwhiteimages.,評分5.0·Life+after+Photoshop·SilverEfexisverygoodataddingdetailand'structure'toimages,butyoumightsometimesseeedgeeffectsaroundobjectsifyoupushthe ...,評分4.0·JimFisher·We'llcalloutSilverEfexProespeciallyforfansofblack-and-whitefilm,asitdeliversdigitalimagesthatareclosert...